Saturday, September 24, 2011

I shit you not...

Today was a hard day for my mother. Well, my brother too. My mother's cat (and friend of about 11 years), had to be put down today.
As you pet owners know, it's not just a pet, it's family. As such, my mom was not up to the task of going to the vet. It was just too emotional for her. My brother was appointed the task, and he later told me he felt like an executioner taking the cat "the last mile."
He'd been through this before with his own cat, a number of years ago. Still, it was not exactly a pleasant occasion. Sad.
To help ease my mother's pain of her loss, my brother went over to her place to watch a movie and spend some time. He had his flash drive in hand, with a new movie that he'd not seen yet. That neither of them had seen yet. The movie is called "Wild Target".
I, personally, have never seen the movie. Hell, I never even heard of it. Neither had my brother. He just wanted to do something nice for our mother.
It turns out (*spoiler alert*), at the end of the movie, a kid killed his cat and buried it in his back yard...
I shit you not.

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